Compost Your Roast
Eco & Socially Concious

Mission Stament - People, Planet, Profit 

The company’s primary goal are
1) To divert organic waste from local landfills and reducing Green House Gas emissions.
2) To produce a local product and deliver it locally so these
aromatic grounds can end up in area gardens instead of the landfill.
3) To save money for participating companies and their employees. The compost is produced in Montgomery county is available to participating corporation and it’s employees at 20% less co-op rate.

Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk


Our electrical needs are met by 100% green power, and our delivery trucks run on bio-diesel fuel. In addition, our coffee ground collection bags are made of 20% post consumer recycled plastic.


Our ready compost is packaged in used dog food/cat food bags collected from local shelters. Our Compost teas are packaged in recycled water bottles, soft drinks bottles, milk jugs and 5 gallon food buckets.



Our composting areas are former waste land that has been cleared by humans but later abandoned due to flooding in water shed areas. As compost pile cooks it enriches land below it. When we move the compost pile to new location previous location is planted with native plants which will restore the land to its previous glory.


                 Deforestation                                                     Reforestation



Our office will be repurposed used ocean shipping container. That is retrofitted into a green office. Our electricity is generated by solar and wind mills .


Our employees are returned war veterans, Women from Women Shelter who are trying to escape abusive life and young entrepreneurs. Our employees are our business partner and are vested in the business giving them incentive to provide excellent service to our clients for.

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